Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Watched: Mystery Science Theater 3000, Season 11 [tv]

I've loved MST3K for a long time. I watched the show as it aired when I was a kid with my family. I can remember Saturday afternoons as being reserved for the show, coming home from wherever I was to get back in time for snacks and our favorite program to watch together (I have similar memories of TNG). MST3K had a huge influence on my sense of humor and my appreciation for imaginative, silly, absurdist, and simultaneously high-brow/low-brow style of television shows. And I have followed these guys throughout their careers, especially with Rifftrax, the post-MST3K project of my favorite of the hosts Mike and friends. Anyway, all of this is to say I was nervous about the revival of the show with a new host (Jonah), new mads (Felicia Day and Patton Oswald) and mostly a new writers' room. And while there are tweaks in the basic premise, some a return to original form and some acknowledging interesting changes made in the later seasons, plus an uptick in the pace of the joke delivery during the films, at its heart season 11 still feels like the show I know and love. I started screen-capping just to grab the cameos and some fun skit moments and there are a few shots from films in there but about halfway into the season I decided to just enjoy it. I may go back at some point and write about the individual movies because they picked a really great batch for this effort, and I was happy to see that the selection moved beyond the strictly sci-fi angle of the SciFi Channel days to include lots of silly B-movie genres.

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